Maheen Faisal Siddiqui

Wellcome Trust Early Career Research Fellow

Research interests

My main research interest is in understanding how neurovascular and neurometabolic coupling mechanisms develop in infancy. During my PhD, I developed a novel methodology to integrate broadband near-infrared spectroscopy (bNIRS) and electroencephalography (EEG), allowing simultaneous measurement of neural oscillatory activity, haemodynamic and metabolic changes in the infant brain. Following my PhD, I secured the Wellcome Trust ISSF fellowship followed by the ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship and developed a novel analysis technique to integrate the bNIRS and EEG signals. 

In 2022, I was awarded the Wellcome Trust Early Career Award to further use this methodology of combining bNIRS and EEG with magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to investigate atypical brain development. 



PhD Psychology 

Birkbeck, University of London (Jointly with UCL Medical Physics and Bioengineering)

2014 - 2018

MSc Applied Mathematics 

Imperial College London (Merit)

2012 – 2013

BSc Mathematics 

Kings College London (1st class honours)

2009 – 2012


Research posts

July 2022 – Present        Wellcome Trust Early Career Research Fellow

                                        Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck

Nov 2020 – July 2022     ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow

                                        Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck

                                                Supervisor: Prof. Emily Jones

Jun 2020 – Nov 2020      Postdoctoral Research Assistant

                                        Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck

                                                Supervisor: Prof. Emily Jones

Nov 2018 – Jun 2020      Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund Postdoctoral Researcher

                                        Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck

                                                Supervisor: Prof. Mark Johnson, Prof. Clare Elwell




Siddiqui, M.F., Pinti, P., Brigadoi, S., Lloyd-Fox, S., Elwell, C.E., Johnson, M.H., Tachtsidis, I., Jones, E.J.H (2023) Using multi-modal neuroimaging to characterise social brain specialisation in infants eLife 12:e84122

Siddiqui, M.F. et al. (2022). Imaging Cerebral Energy Metabolism in Healthy Infants. In: Scholkmann, F., LaManna, J., Wolf, U. (eds) Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLIII. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1395. Springer, Cham.

Siddiqui, M.F., Pinti, P., Lloyd-Fox, S. et al. Regional haemodynamic and metabolic coupling in infants Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2022).

Pinti, P., Siddiqui, M.F., Levy, A.D. et al. An analysis framework for the integration of broadband NIRS and EEG to assess neurovascular and neurometabolic coupling. Sci Rep 11, 3977 (2021).

Siddiqui M.F., Lloyd-Fox S., Kaynezhad P., Tachtsidis I., Johnson M.H., Elwell C.E. (2018) Changes in Cytochrome-C-Oxidase Account for Changes in Attenuation of Near-Infrared Light in the Healthy Infant Brain. In: Thews O., LaManna J., Harrison D. (eds) Oxygen Transport to Tissue XL. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1072. Springer, Cham.

Siddiqui, M.F., Wedemann, R., Jensen, H.J. Avalanches and generalized memory associativity in a network model for conscious and unconscious mental functioning. Physica A, 490 (2018).

Siddiqui, M.F., Lloyd-Fox, S., Kaynezhad, P. et al. Non-invasive measurement of a metabolic marker of infant brain function. Sci Rep 7, 1330 (2017).

Siddiqui, M. F., Elwell, C., & Johnson, M. H. (2016). Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism-open access6(5), 1000190.



Outreach and public engagement

Diversity in Developmental Science Network


Co-founded the Diversity in Developmental Science Network to connect and support ethnic minority group researchers in the field of developmental science.

Happy Little Minds – Ask the scientist


A science communication initiative aimed at parents. I decode complex science about baby brain development in bite-size, easy to understand chunks to empower parents with a better understanding of their children’s brains. The information is disseminated through a podcast and in-person events for parents.

Happy Little Minds


A science communication initiative aimed at parents. I decode complex science about baby brain development in bite-size, easy to understand chunks to empower parents with a better understanding of their children’s brains. 

(Following of approximately 1100 on Instagram)

The Early Childhood and Parenting Education of Pakistan

Team Member

A science communication initiative aiming to provide parents in Pakistan with a better understanding of their children.  

(Following of approximately 12000 on Facebook)

Public engagement at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition

Involved in running an exhibition titled “Lighting the Brain after Birth”, practically demonstrating the use of broadband NIRS to the public.

(Attended by approximately 13000 people)

Featured in the BBC Documentary “The Wonderful World of Babies”

Featured in BBC Science Article “The Secret World of Babies”




Twitter: @maheensidd91


Instagram: @happy_littleminds, @happylittlemindspodcast
