Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development,
Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX
Phone: +44 (0)20 7079 0766
Fax: +44 (0)20 7631 6587
Email: a.volein at bbk dot ac dot uk
Csibra, G., Tucker, L., Volein, Á., & Johnson, M. H. (2000). Cortical development and saccade planning: The ontogeny of the spike potential. Neuroreport, 11, 1096-1073.
Mareschal, D., Powell, D., & Volein, Á. (2003). Basic-level category discriminations by 7- and 9-months-olds in an object examination task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 86, 87-107.
Csibra, G., Henty, J., Volein, Á., Elwell, C., Tucker, L., Meek, J., & Johnson, M. H. (2004) Near infrared spectroscopy reveals neural activation during face perception in infants and adults. Journal of Pediatric Neurology , 2, 85-89.
De Haan, M., Belsky, J., Reid, V., Volein, Á., & Johnson, M. H. (2004). Maternal personality and infants’ neural and visual responsivity to facial expressions of emotion. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45, 1209-1218.
Halit, H., Csibra, G., Volein, Á., & Johnson, M. H. (2004). Face-sensitive cortical processing in early infancy. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 45, 1128-1234.
Mareschal, D., Powell, D. A., Westermann, G., & Volein, Á. (2005.) Evidence of rapid correlation-based perceptual categorisation in 4-month-olds. Infant and Child Development, 14, 445-457.
Csibra, G. & Volein, Á. (in press). Infants can infer the presence of hidden objects from referential gaze information. British Journal of Developmental Psychology.
Bremner, A. J., Bryant, P. E., Mareschal, D. & Volein, Á. (in press). Recognition of complex object-centred spatial configurations in early infancy. Visual Cognition.