Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development,
School of Psychology, Birkbeck College,
32 Torrington Square, London. WC1E 7JL
Phone: +44 (0)20 7631 6242
Fax: +44 (0)20 7631 6587
Email: j dot wiltshire at psychology dot bbk dot ac dot uk
Research interests
I am currently investigating relational priming as a more plausible mechanism for explaining automatic analogical reasoning, particularly in young children.
Curriculum vitae
2005-2006 MSc Psychological Research Methods, Birkbeck College
Areas covered include experimental and research design, critical analysis, statistical analysis, and philosophy of science. My dissertation project was supervised by Dr. Fred Dick and Dr. Jennifer Aydelott and investigated the relationship between discrimination of speech significant sounds and language development in junior school children.
2002-2003 MSc Cognitive Neuropsychology with 69%, University College London
(Funded by UCL Fees Scholarship)
Areas covered included current thinking in all major sub-fields, experimental methodology, basic neuroanatomy, and statistical analysis. My dissertation project, supervised by Prof. Gabriella Vigliocco and Dr. Peter Garrard, compared patients with fluent and non-fluent aphasia to controls using a task tapping semantics and syntax simultaneously. This gave me experience in experimental design, patient testing, use of standardised tests and data analysis.
1997-2002 BA Linguistics and Thai Language – 1st class, SOAS, University of London
[Including one year out for treatment of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – Jan 98-Dec 98;
and one year of language study in Thailand - Jun 2000-Feb 2001]