fMRI info
- Safeguarding children policy (PDF)
- Babylab and GDPR (PDF)
- Health & Safety Measures in the BabyLab & ToddlerLab (PDF)
Collaborating Institutions
- Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, Institute of Child Health, UCL, London
- The Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge
- Social Communication Disorders and Behavioural Phenotypes, IOPPN, London
- The Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology, New York
- Autism and Development Team, Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, KCL, London
Interesting Links for Parents
- Brain Development: Frequently Asked Questions. From Zero to Three
- How the brain works. Centre for Educational Neuroscience.
- The National Childbirth Trust. Lots of useful information and resources for parents.
- Parenting: Babies and Toddlers. Brain and Cognitive Development.
- Links to other sites about early infant development.
- Parent's guide to sleep regression in babies
Former CBCD Researchers' Labs Around the World
- Gizelle Anzures
- Gergely Csibra
- Mayada Eslabbagh
- Tobias Grossman
- Jordy Kaufman
- Victoria Southgate
- Tuomas Teinonen
- Przemyslaw Tomalski
- Àgnes Volein
- Rachel Wu
Other Babylabs Across the UK
- Bristol Cognitive Development Centre at the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Bristol.
- Cambridge Babylab at the University of Cambridge.
- Developmental Dynamics Lab at the University of East Anglia.
- Lincoln Babylab - Researching what do babies know about the world? How do they think? How do they learn to talk?
- Oxford Brookes Babylab at Oxford Brookes University.
- Oxford BabyLab at the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford.
- Plymouth Babylab - Specialising in the study of language development, social development, mental imagery and memory.
- Sussex Babylab - Investigating how babies see, think and learn.
- The ESRC International Centre for Language and Communicative Development - Researching how children learn to communicate with language.
Links to Academic Societies
- The International Congress for Infant Studies
- The Society for Research in Child Development
- The Jean Piaget Society
Other Developmental Labs Around the World
- Karen Adolph
- Gisa Aschersleben
- Dick Aslin
- Lorraine Bahrick
- Renée Baillargeon
- Martha Ann Bell
- April Benasich
- Bennett Bertenthal
- Liz Brannon
- Susan Carey
- Gedeon Deak
- Janet Frick
- Rick Gilmore
- Roberta Golinkoff
- Susan Hespos
- Claes von Hofsten
- Scott Johnson
- Alan Leslie
- David Lewkowicz
- Angeline Lillard
- Andrew Meltzoff
- Yuko Munakata
- Amy Needham
- Chuck Nelson
- Nora Newcombe
- Lisa Oakes
- Robin Panneton
- David Rakison
- Franck Ramus
- John Richards
- Jenny Saffran
- Mark Schmuckler
- Liz Spelke
- Melanie Spence
- Cynthia Stifter
- Tricia Striano
- Mike Tomasello
- Laurel Trainor
- Dale Ulrich
- Janet Werker
- Amanda Woodward
- Karen Wynn
Disclaimer for External Links
The CBCD is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any information in other websites. Further, we in no way endorse the views or information held on such websites and are unable to grant permission to use material found on such sites.