Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development
Birkbeck, University of London
The Henry Wellcome Building
London, WC1E 7HX
Phone: +44 (0)203 073 8037
Fax: +44 (0)20 7631 6587
Email: j.guiraud@bbk.ac.uk
Research interests
My research at the CBCD focuses on how Autism develops over the first years of life. I act as the coordinator of a longitudinal multi-centre research project focused on understanding early markers for autism through the study of infant siblings of children with autism (PI: Mark Johnson). More specifically, I am in charge of part of the project that aims to trace the earliest brain and cognitive signs of autism using imaging (ERP, NIRS) and behavioural testing methods. I study aspects of perception and cognition that are atypical in Autism in order to understand the atypical development of the human social brain in children with Autism. For instance, I study the perception of faces, eye-gaze, emotions in faces and voices, and language. Much of this is conducted collaboratively with other members of the CBCD. Other centres involved in the project conduct genetic and MRI research, and aim to provide early intervention.
Curriculum vitae
Career Development Fellow (September 2007 – September 2009)
MRC Institute of Hearing Research, Nottingham, UK
PhD in Cognitive Science and Neuroscience, Department of Neuroscience and Sensory Senses, CNRS, Herriot Hospital, University of Lyon 2, France (2003 - 2006)
Thesis: Study of the effects of deafness and auditory rehabilitation by cochlear implants on the functional organization of the auditory system
Masters in Cognitive Psychology (equivalent to First Class Honours), University of Lyon 2, France (2006 – 2007)
Thesis: Cognitive abilities involved in mathematics learning in children. As part of an exchange program, at the Laboratory of neurodevelopment, University of Melbourne, Australia
Masters in cognitive science (equivalent to Upper Second Class Honours), University of Lyon 2, France (2000 – 2002)
Project: Study of odour processing in epileptic patients
J. Guiraud, S. Andrews (2009). ‘Soundwaves’. Short film on cochlear implantation in deaf children supported by the Wellcome Trust Science on Film Grant. Best short film award at ‘Scinema Festival’ (Australia); Shortlisted at 'Deaffest Film and TV Awards' and ‘Bang! Short Film Festival’ (England). The movie can be seen at: http://www.dfgdocs.com/Resources/Video/122.aspx
J. Guiraud, S. A. Amitay, E. Sohoglu, B. Edmonds, D.R.M. Moore, D. R. M. (in preparation). Early sensory brain activity predicts human perceptual decision making.
T. Van Den Abbeele, N. Noël-Petroff, I. Akin, G. Caner, L. Olgun, J. Guiraud, E. Truy, J. Attias, S. DeSaSouza, E. Belgin, D. Basta, A. Ernst, A. Martini, J. Elidan, A. Benghalem, I. Amstutz-Montadert, Y. Lerosey, E. De Vel, I. Dhooge, M. Hildesheimer, L. Arnold. (in press). Outcomes of a multicentre investigation on electrically evoked Compound Action Potential and Stapedius Reflex. Otology & Neurotology.
H. Thai-Van, E. Veuillet , A. Norena, J. Guiraud, L. Collet (submitted). Plasticity of tonotopic maps in humans: Influence of hearing-loss, hearing-aids and cochlear implants.
J. Guiraud, J. Besle, A. Norena, L. Arnold, P. Boyle, E. Truy, L. Collet. 2007. Cortical tonotopic organization in cochlear implant users. Journal of Neuroscience. 27(29):7838 –7846.
J. Guiraud, S. Gallego, L. Arnold, E. Truy, P. Boyle, L. Collet. 2007. Effects of auditory pathway anatomy and deafness characteristics? (2): On electrically evoked late auditory responses. Hearing Research. 228(1-2):44-57.
J. Guiraud, S. Gallego, L. Arnold, E. Truy, P. Boyle, L. Collet. 2007. Effects of auditory pathway anatomy and deafness characteristics? (1): On electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses. Hearing Research. 223 (1-2): 48-60.
J. Guiraud, E. Truy, L. Arnold, L. Collet. 2005. Banded Neural Response Imaging (NRI): Preliminary results. Advanced Bionics Research Bulletin 2005.
J. Guiraud, E. Truy, L. Arnold, L. Collet. 2005. Electrically evoked brainstem and cortical potentials: Relationship to fitting parameters and performance.Advanced Bionics Research Bulletin 2005.
J. Guiraud, H. Thai-Van, E. Truy, G. Lina-Granade, L. Arnold, P. Boyle, L. Collet. 2004. Modelling of brain plasticity as a tool for monitoring auditory rehabilitation in implanted patient: preliminary experiments. MS’2004 – France. General applications and engineering – Bio-engineering. Editor: C. Berger-Vachon.