From October 2008 until September 2009 I am studying for a M.Sc. degree in Psychological Research Methods at Birkbeck College and work on a M.Sc. project at the CBCD.
Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development,
School of Psychology, Birkbeck College,
32 Torrington Square, London. WC1E 7JL
email: ahandl01 at students.bbk.ac.uk
Research interests
I am interested in how faces and facial expression are processed in typical development and autism. Until now, I have been involved in a number of EEG studies on the topic while working as a student research assistant in Germany. For my current M.Sc. project I am focusing on spontaneous gamma oscillations in infants at-risk for autism and typical developing infants at the age of 6-10 months.
Curriculum vitae
Poster presentations
Parise, E., Handl, A. & Striano, T. (2008). Processing of eye gaze and facial expression in children with ASD – an ERP study. 7th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), London, UK.
Parise, E., Palumbo, L., Handl, A. & Friederici, A. (2008). Gaze Direction Influences Word Processing in 4- to 5-month-old Infants: an ERP Investigation. 2008 Developmental Section Conference, Oxford Brookes University, UK.
Warreyn, P., Roeyers, H., Handl. A., Pattyn, G., Wiersema, R. & Raymaekers, R. (2008) EEG study of mirror neuron functioning in infants with autism spectrum disorder. 20th Meeting of the European Academy of Childhood Disorders (EACD), Zagreb, Croatia.