Research interests
My research focuses on mapping pathways of neurocognitive development among children from diverse populations, with the goal of identifying early predictors of childhood cognitive, social, and emotional outcomes. One of my key goals is to facilitate the implementation of neurodevelopmental research into global settings.
I joined the CBCD as a postdoctoral research fellow on the Brain Imaging for Global Health (BRIGHT, www.globalfnirs.org) project. BRIGHT is a prospective longitudinal study that has been following infants in The Gambia and UK from the antenatal period to early childhood. The aim of this study is to establish brain function-for-age curves in these two settings and to explore the contribution of undernutrition and poverty-related factors to neurodevelopment. My focus was to oversee the implementation of the child cognitive and caregiver measures used in the study. I also led the BRIGHT Kids pre-school age follow-up in The Gambia.
Prior to this, I completed my PhD at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College London in 2017. As part of my PhD, I worked on the British Autism Study of Infant Siblings (BASIS; www.basisnetwork.org), following up the first cohort of children with higher familial likelihood of autism at school age. My focus was to investigate the development and correlates of co-occurring anxiety symptoms in this group.
For more information about my work, publications and contact details, see ORCID and ResearchGate.