When we produce an action (e.g. pressing a doorbell) we are able to generate expectations about the likely consequences (e.g. touch on the finger tips, sight of a moving hand, sound of the bell ring). I investigate how we generate these expectations and the influences they have on how the outcomes of our movements are perceived. This includes asking whether the predictive models we use during action play a role in perceiving different features of the social and physical world. We use a mixture of behavioural (psychophysics) and neuroimaging methods (fMRI) to answer these questions. My PhD is supervised by Clare Press and is supported by a scholarship from the ESRC.
PhD Psychology – Birkbeck, University of London (2014 – Present)
MSc Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology – Birkbeck, University of London (2013-2014)
BA Experimental Psychology – Somerville College, University of Oxford (2010-2013)
Scholarships and Awards
1+3 PhD Studentship – Economic and Social Research Council
Alice Horsman Scholarship - Somerville College, University of Oxford
Yon, D. & Press, C. (in press). Predicted action consequences are perceptually facilitated before cancellation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.
Yon, D., Edey, R., Ivry, R. B. & Press, C. (2017). Time on your hands: Perceived duration of sensory events is biased towards concurrent actions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146(2), 182-93.
Yon, D. & Press, C. (2014). Back to the future: synaesthesia could be due to associative learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:702.