Email: g.lockwoodestrin@bbk.ac.uk
Research interests
My research interests lie at the interface between cognitive neuroscience and public health. I am particularly interested in translation of neuroscientific methods into global mental health in order to improve detection of developmental disorders. I am a Sir Henry Wellcome post-doc fellow, and my work focuses on establishing the ability, feasibility and acceptability of using portable eye-tracking technology to identify children at risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders in low-income contexts, specifically in India.
Prior to working at the CBCD, I was as Senior Research Associate in the Section for Women’s Mental Health, IoPPN, KCL, and a Research Fellow in the Centre for Global Mental Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). My PhD, at Imperial College London, focused on investigating the neurodevelopment of foetuses and infants at risk of developmental disorders using Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Curriculum vitae
2010 - 2014. PhD, Clinical Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, Imperial College London
Thesis title: “Characterisation of typical and atypical human brain development.”
2008 - 2009. MSc Clinical Neuroscience, University College London, Institute of Neurology
Dissertation title: “Epilepsy surgery patients: correlation between histopathology and MRI”
2006 - 2008. BSc Neuroscience, University of Nottingham
S. Bhavnani, G. Lockwood Estrin, D. Mukherjee & V. Patel. Book Chapter: Promoting early child development: using convergence science for the scalable assessment and monitoring of cognitive development. Convergence Mental Health: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Innovation. First Edition. Edited by Harris A. Eyre, Michael Berk, Helen Lavretsky, and III Charles Reynolds. Oxford University Press. Jan 2021
G. Lockwood Estrin & V. Milner, D. Spain, Happé, E. Colvert. Barriers to Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis for Young Women and Girls: a Systematic Review. Rev J Autism Dev Disord. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40489-020-00225-8
G. Miguel-Esponda, G. Ryan, G. Lockwood-Estrin, S. Usmani, L. Lee, J. Murphy, O. Qureshi T Endale, M. Regan,J Eaton, M. De Silva. Lessons From a Theory of Change-driven Evaluation of a Global Mental Health Funding Portfolio. Pre-print. 2020.
G. Lockwood Estrin & S. Bhavnani. 2020 Brain Development: Structure. In: Benson, J.B. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, 2nd edition. vol. 1, Elsevier, pp. 205–214. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-809324-5.23776-0
G. Lockwood Estrin, EG. Ryan, K. Trevillion, J. Demilew, D. Bick, A. Pickles and LM. Howard. Young pregnant women and risk for mental disorders: findings from an early pregnancy cohort. BJPsych Open. 2019; 5, e21, 1–7. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2019.6
G. Lockwood Estrin, Z. Wu, M. Deprez, SJ. Counsell, MA. Rutherford and JV. Hajnal. White and grey matter development in utero assessed using motion corrected diffusion tensor imaging and comparison to ex utero measures. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine. 2019. doi.org/10.1007/s10334-019-00743-5
I. Dubey, S. Brett, L. Ruta, R. Bishain, S. Chandran, S. Bhavnani, M. Belmonte, G. Lockwood Estrin et al (2019) Social is not always special: Evidence for task specificity in measuring social preference in young children Preprint at PsyArXiv Preprints DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/3un5e
Morrison, J. Chunsuwan, I. Gronholm P. & G. Lockwood Estrin. Thailand’s national universal developmental screening programme for young children: action research for improved follow-up. BMJ Glob Health. 2018; 3:e000589. doi:10.1136/ bmjgh-2017-000589
C. Kapungu, S. Petroni, N. Allen, L. Brumana, P. Collins, M. DeSilva, J. Haj-Ahmad, A. Leichner, G. Lockwood Estrin, G. Patton, B. Pringle, O. Omigbodun, S. Singh, T. Dua, W. Zeck. Gendered Influences on Adolescent Mental Health: Recommendations from an Expert Convening. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. DOI: 10.1016/S2352-4642(17)30152-9
M. Kuklisova Murgasova, G. Lockwood Estrin, R.G. Nunes, S. Malik, M. Rutherford, D. Rueckert, J. Hajnal. Distortion correction in fetal EPI using non-rigid registration with a Laplacian constraint. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2018 Jan;37(1):12-19. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2017.2667227.
M. Deprez, A. Price, D. Christiaens, G. Lockwood Estrin, L. Cordero-Grande, J. Hutter, S Daducci, D. Tournier, M. Rutherford, S. Counsell, MB. Cuadrac, JV. Hajnal. Higher order spherical harmonics reconstruction of fetal diffusion MRI with intensity correction. 2018: doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/297341
S. Bhavnani & J. Dasgupta, G. Lockwood Estrin, D. Mukherjee. M. Johnson, B. Chakrabarti, B. et al. V. Patel. Translating neuroscience to the front lines: point-of-care detection of neuropsychiatric disorders. Lancet Psychiatry. October 2016 3:(10); 915–917. doi:10.1016/s2215-0366(16)30186-9.
A. Kleinman, G. Lockwood Estrin, S. Usmani, D. Chisholm, P.V. Marquez, S. Saxena, T.G. Evans. Time for mental health to come out of the shadows. The Lancet. 2016 June 4; 387(10035):2274–5. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(16)30655-9.
G. Lockwood Estrin, V. Kyriakopoulou, MJ. Fox, J. Allsop, SJ. Counsell and MA. Rutherford. White and grey matter differences between neonates with antenatally diagnosed isolated ventriculomegaly and healthy controls. NeuroImage Clinical 2016 Jan; 11; 139-148. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2016.01.012.
V. Kyriakopoulou, G. Lockwood Estrin, A. Makropoulos, G. Ball, L. Kuhendran, A. Chew, B. Hagberg et al. Altered white matter and cortical development in neonates with antenatal isolated ventriculomegaly: PF. 20. Bjog: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 122, 2015.
G. Lockwood Estrin, M. Thom, NK. Focke, MR. Symms, L. Martinian, SM. Sisodiya, JS. Duncan and SH. Eriksson. Correlating 3T MRI and histopathology in patients undergoing epilepsy surgery. J Neurosci Methods. 2012 Mar 30; 205(1): 182-9.
M. Taylor-Clarke, A. Patel, A., McGuinness, G. Lockwood-Estrin, I. Sirgiovanni, J. Allsop, V. Kyriakopoulou, JV. Hajnal, and MA Rutherford. 2011. Fetal MRI: maintaining safe temperature. Archives of Disease in Childhood-Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 96(Suppl 1), pp.Fa66-Fa66.
Selected Presentations
J. Dasgupta & G. Lockwood Estrin, Z. Yadav, I. Singh. How Do Parents View Cognitive Enhancers for their Children? Evidence from India. International Neuroethics Society (INS) Annual meeting October 2020 (online). Awarded Best Oral Presentation.
G. Lockwood Estrin. From the lab to the field: measuring brain activity and eye movements to assess neurodevelopment in low resource settings. Lightning Talks. Road to Global Mental Health. King’s College London. Oct 29th 2019. London UK
J. Dasgupta & G. Lockwood Estrin, J. Summers, I. Singh. Exploring ethical issues around use of cognitive enhancement drugs for children in low resource settings. International Neuroethics Society (INS) October 2019, Chicago, USA. Awarded Best Abstract Presentation.
G. Lockwood Estrin, S. Bhavnani, E. Jones, L. Mason, A. Goodwin, R. Haartsen, T. Gliga, J. Dasgupta, S. Gulati, G. Divan, V. Patel, M. Johnson. From the lab to the field: measuring brain activity and eye movements to assess neurodevelopment. Presentation. Panel: Mobile health (mHealth) technologies to address assessment and intervention gaps in autism in low resource settings. British Psychological Society (BPS) Annual Meeting Sept 4th 2019. Stoke-on-Trent, UK.
G. Lockwood Estrin, S. Bhavnani, E. Jones, L. Mason, A. Goodwin, R. Haartsen, T. Gliga, J. Dasgupta, S. Gulati, G. Divan, V. Patel, M. Johnson. From the lab to the field: measuring brain activity and eye movements to assess neurodevelopment. Presentation. Cultural Diversity Workshop. International Society for Autism (INSAR) May 1st 2019. Montreal, Canada.
G. Lockwood Estrin et al. From the lab to the field in low income settings: neuro-assessment of children with ASD in Delhi. Invited presentation. Culture and ASD symposium. University of Tokyo. 9th May 2019. Tokyo, Japan.
G. Lockwood Estrin, EG. Ryan, K. Trevillion, J .Demilew, D. Bick, A. Pickles, LM. Howard. Mental disorders in young pregnant women: findings from an early pregnancy cohort. Presentation. Part of symposium; Theme: mental health in pregnancy: new findings on epidemiology and preconception interventions. Marce, Sept 2018, Bangalore, India.
G. Lockwood Estrin, & S. Bhavnani. Harnessing M-Health Technologies to Assess Cognitive Development in Children - from Typical to Atypical, Invited presentation at Identification of Children with Disabilities in the early years in global settings (INDIGO) Study and Collaborative Network, Liverpool, 18-20th April 2018.
G. Lockwood Estrin, L.M. Howard, Trauma and mental disorders in young pregnant women: findings from the WENDY study, presentation at Domestic Violence Forum, King’s College London, 9 June 2017.
G. Lockwood Estrin, Impact of the Grand Challenges Canada global mental health portfolio, Invited speaker in the Global Mental Health stream of the Grand Challenges Conference, London 24-26th October 2016.
G. Lockwood Estrin, Invited panellist at launch of Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing 10th May 2016.
Awards and appointments
2020 - Present. Academic Mentor for COMPASS (http://www.bbk.ac.uk/professional-services/access/compass-project)
March 2019 – present. Co-Founding Senior Management Committee member of Child Development Group, Sangath, New Delhi.
2017 Associate Fellow of The Higher Education Academy
2012 Charity Insights Award, Imperial College London
2009 Academic Achievement Award, University of Nottingham
Guest Lecturer 2019-present in BBK MSc Child Development in a Global Context
Guess Lecturer 2021 in BBK BSc Developmental Psychology
Guest lecturer 2018
BSc Psychology, King’s College London
MSc Public Health, Imperial College London
Module lead and module development 2016-2017
IoPPN, King’s College London, MSc in Global Mental Health and Applied Mental Health Research
Grants and scholarships
ISSF2 Career Development Award, Birkbeck College; June 2020.
Title: Autism and homelessness in women
ISSF2 Career Development Award; May 2018 - May 2019.
Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral fellowship; Sept 2017 – Sept 2021
Study Title: Establishing objective measures for identifying children with Autism Spectrum Disorders using eyetracking technology in the UK and India
King’s College London Global Research Award; July 2017.
O3 seed fund; July 2018 – Sept 2019
Study Title: An exploratory study to understand the attitudes towards cognitive enhancement interventions in parents of children with mild to moderate cognitive delay
Naughton Clift Matthews Global health Fund; 2016 - 2017
Study Title: Giving carers a voice: exploring carers’ and implementers’ experience of the child developmental screening programme (DSMP) in a community clinic in central Thailand
Medical Research Council – Clinical Sciences Centre PhD Studentship; 2010-2014
Study Title: Brain in-utero and ex-utero brain development using Magnetic Resonance Imaging advanced techniques
Medical Research Council (MRC) MSc studentship; 2009