PhD Student

Dr Tim Smith (Birkbeck, Department of Psychological Sciences)
Prof Fred Dick (Birkbeck/UCL Centre for Neuro Imaging)
Research Interests
My research investigates the influence of sound on when and where we move our eyes. I am particularly interested in empirically testing the intuitive craft knowledge of film producers and sound designers, who believe that their techniques can guide when and where viewers attend in film. My research is focused on two questions: Firstly, can musical beats influence (entrain) when the eyes move? Secondly, can the addition of sound to an object in a dynamic naturalistic scene (e.g. the sound of a dog barking with a corresponding dog in a park scene) preferentially orient (and/or capture) attention and enhance memory for that object? I address these questions using eye-tracking, pupillometry and behavioural measures.
My postgraduate studies are supported by ESRC + 3 DTC studentship
PhD Psychology
Birkbeck, University of London
2014 - Present
Birkbeck, University of London
2014 - Present
MSc Music Mind and Brain
Goldsmiths, University of London
2013 - 2014
Goldsmiths, University of London
2013 - 2014
BSc (Hons) Psychology
Birkbeck, University of London
2010 - 2013
Birkbeck, University of London
2010 - 2013
Research Posts
Research Assistant
CINE lab, Birkbeck, University of London, 2012 - 2013
Batten, J.P. & Smith, T. J. (in press) Looking at Sound: Sound Design and the Audiovisual Influences on Gaze. In Dwyer, T., Perkins, C., Redmond, S. & Sita, J (Eds). Seeing into Screens: Eye Tracking and the Moving Image. New York: Bloomsbury Press
Batten, J.P. & Smith, T.J., (2017) Look at me when I'm talking to you! Sound influences gaze behaviour in a 'split-screen' film. VSS Conference 2017, St Pete Beach, FL. May 2017.
Batten, J.P., Dick, F. & Smith T.J. (2016) Moving to Music: Saccadic and Motor Entrainment to a Musical Beat. VSS Conference 2016, St Pete Beach, FL, May 2016, Journal of Vision; 16(12):474. doi: 10.1167/16.12.474.
Batten, J.P., Kuhn, G. & Smith, T.J. (2015) Can We Entrain the Saccade Timer to Musical Tempo? In Abstracts of the 18th European Conference on Eye Movements 2015, Vienna, Austria. U. Ansorge, T. Ditye, A. Florack & H. Leder (eds). Journal of Eye Movement Research, 8(4), p239
Smith, T.J., Batten, J.P., Seppälä, K. & Bedford, R. (2015) Hear my lips: Implicit detection of asynchronous audio-visual speech by eye movements, In Abstracts of the 18th European Conference on Eye Movements 2015, Vienna, Austria. U. Ansorge, T. Ditye, A. Florack & H. Leder (eds). Journal of Eye Movement Research, 8(4), p121
Batten, J.P., Wright, G.R., Nako, R., Smith,T.J. (2013). Lie-Tracking: Investigating Gaze When Detecting Deception. In K. Holmqvist, F. Mulvey & R. Johansson (Eds.), Book of Abstracts of the 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, 11-16 August 2013, in Lund, Sweden. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6(3), p391.