Research Fellow
My research focuses on attention and multisensory integration in developmental disorders, which I investigate using EEG, eye tracking and neurocognitive measures.
I work on several longitudinal, multi-site research projects:
EU-AIMS (European Autism Interventions - A Multicentre Study for Developing New Medications): The largest study of Autism in the world. I lead the EEG and eye tracking work on LEAP (Longitudinal European Autism Project), a multisite clinical research study.
STAARS (Studying Autism and ADHD Risk in Siblings): A longitudinal prospective sibs project, following infants at high genetic risk of ASD and ADHD.
BRIGHT (Brain Imaging for Global Health): A developmental study of two birth cohorts, in Keneba, Gambia and Cambridge, UK. Developing function-for-age curves of neurocognitive development using fNIRS, EEG and eye tracking.
Inter-STAARS: An RCT of eye tracking mediated attention training in infants at risk of ADHD.
EUROSIBS: A Europe-wide consortium of infant sibs projects, with the aim of consolidating experimental protocols and procedures.
Publications on Research Gate.