My main research interest focuses on the effects of poverty and culture on language development, and in particular on vocabulary growth and language processing efficiency, within the second year of life. I am also interested in the relationship among early exposure to linguistic stimulation, early brain responses to social cues and later language outcomes in infants reared in disadvantaged settings. I am also interested in the neural correlates underlying the processing of vocal emotional cues in early development.
2013-2018 |
PhD Psychology, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK Thesis director Dr Elena Geangu, Dr Eugenio Parise and Dr Gavin Bremner.
2012-2013 |
MSc Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Distinction, Durham University, Durham, UK Thesis director Dr Alexandre Schaeffer.
2005-2011 |
BSc Psychology, University of Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Thesis director Dr Gloria Garcia de Banda & Dr Mateu Servera. |
Crespo-Llado, M.M., Vanderwert, R.E., & Geangu, E. (2018). Prefrontal EEG asymmetry and its relation to emotional responses to peers’ emotions in 8-month- old infants. Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 17152.
Crespo-Llado, M.M., Vanderwert, R.E., & Geangu, E. (2018). Individual differences in infants’ neural responses to their peers’ cry and laughter. Biological Psychology, 135, 117-127.
Kaiser, J., Crespo-Llado, M.M., Chiara, T., & Geangu, E. (2017). The development of rapid facial responses to others’ emotions in infancy. An EMG study. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 17500.
Roome, H., Towse, J.N. &Crespo-Llado, M.M. (2018).Contextual support for children’s recall within working memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1747021818804440.