Centre for Brain & Cognitive Development,
Department of Psychological Sciences, S
chool of Science,
Birkbeck University of London.
7 Bedford Square,
Room 202, Tel: (+44) 02070790777
E-mail: opain01@mail.bbk.ac.uk
Primary Supervisor: Dr. Angelica Ronald
Second Supervisor: Prof. Frank Dudbridge
Member of the Gene Environment Lifespan laboratory
Oliver began his Bloomsbury College-funded PhD studentship in October 2014 under the supervision of Dr Angelica Ronald (first supervisor, Birkbeck) and Prof Frank Dudbridge (second supervisor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine). Oliver has a background in molecular genetics, with both a B.Sc and M.Sc in this area from King’s College London. He will focus on using novel analytical methods to identify and functionally annotate common genetic variants associated with psychotic experiences in adolescence.
He is currently involved in the organisation of a student lead conference, Quantitative Genomics 2016.
The Bloomsbury Colleges Consortium PhD Studentship
B.Sc Molecular Genetics, Department of Biochemistry, King’s College London (2010-2013)
M.Sc Genes, Environment and Development, in the Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London (2013-2014)
Publications: (* = Joint first author)
Malki, K., Pain, O*., Du Rietz, E., Tosto, M., Paya-Cano, J., Sandnabba, KN., De Boer, S., Schalkwyk, L.C., & Sluyter, F (2014). Genes and Gene Networks Implicated in Aggression Related Behaviour. Neurogenetics, 15, 255-266.
Malki, K., Pain, O*., Du Rietz, E., Tosto, M., Carboni, L., Schalkwyk, L.C. (2015). Identification of Genes and Gene Pathways Associated with Major Depressive Disorder by Integrative Brain Analysis of Rat and Human Prefrontal Cortex Transcriptomes. Translational Psychiatry, 5, e519.
Malki, K., Tosto, M., Pain, O., Sluyter, F., Mineur, Y.C., Crusio, W.E., De Boer, S.F., Sandnabba, K.N., Kesserwani, J., Robinson, E., Schalkwyk, L.C. & Asherson, P. (2016). Comparative mRNA Analysis of Behavioural and Genetic Mouse Models of Aggression. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics, [Epub ahead of print]