Jannath Begum Ali

Postdoctoral Researcher

Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development
School of Psychology
Birkbeck College
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HX

Phone: +44 (0)20 3926 1039

Email: jannath.begum@bbk.ac.uk

Research Interests



Publication List

Belteki, Z., Ward, E.K., Begum Ali, J., van den Boomen, C., Bolte, S., Buitelaar, J., … Haman, E. (2025). A concurrent validity study of the Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL) and the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Developmental Inventory (CDI) in infants with an elevated likelihood or diagnosis of Autism. Journal of Autism  and Developmental Disorders

Slevin, H., Kehinde, F., Begum Ali, J., Ellis, C., Burkitt-Wright, E., Green, J., ... & Garg, S. (2024). Developmental trajectories in infants and pre-school children with Neurofibromatosis 1. Molecular Autism15(1), 1-16.

Schaubroeck, S., Demurie, E., Begum Ali, J., Bölte, S., Boterberg, S., Buitelaar, J., ... & Roeyers, H. (2024). Investigating the Predictive Validity of the Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 in Children at Elevated Likelihood for Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-15.

Bazelmans, T., Arthur, R., Pasco, G., Shephard, E., Milosavljevic, B., Begum Ali, J., ... & Charman, T. (2024). Mid‐childhood autism sibling recurrence in infants with a family history of autism. Autism Research17(7), 1501-1514.

Begum Ali, J., Holman, R., Goodwin, A. L., Heraty, S., & Jones, E. J. (2024). Parent attitudes towards data sharing in developmental science. Open Research Europe3, 182.

Bowler, A., Arichi, T., Fearon, P., Meaburn, E., Begum Ali, J., Pasco, G., ... & Ronald, A. (2024). Phenotypic and genetic associations between preschool fine motor skills and later neurodevelopment, psychopathology, and educational achievement. Biological psychiatry95(9), 849-858.

Blanco, B., Lloyd-Fox, S., Begum Ali, J., Pirazzoli, L., Goodwin, A., Mason, L., ... & Jones, E.J.H. (2023). Cortical responses to social stimuli in infants at elevated likelihood of ASD and/or ADHD: A prospective cross-condition fNIRS study. Cortex169, 18-34.
Narvekar, N., Carter Leno, V., Pasco, G., Begum Ali, J., Johnson, M. H., Charman, T., & Jones, E. J. (2023). The roles of sensory hyperreactivity and hyporeactivity in understanding infant fearfulness and emerging autistic traits. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Li, L., Pasco, G., Begum Ali, J., Johnson, M. H., Jones, E. J., & Charman, T. (2023). Associations between early language, motor abilities, and later autism traits in infants with typical and elevated likelihood of autism. Autism Research.
Charman, T., Pasco, G., Hendry, A.,…Begum Ali, J., ... & STAARS Team. (2023). Three year outcomes in infants with a family history of autism and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. JCPP Advances, e12189.
Begum‐Ali, J., Gossé, L. K., Mason, L., Pasco, G., Charman, T., Johnson, M. H. & Jones, E. J. H. (2023). Infant sleep predicts trajectories of social attention and later autism traits. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Carter Leno, V., Begum-Ali, J., Goodwin, A., Mason, L., Pasco, G., Pickles, A., ... & Jones, E. J. (2022). Infant excitation/inhibition balance interacts with executive attention to predict autistic traits in childhood. Molecular Autism13(1), 1-13.
Garg, S., *Wan, M. W., *Begum Ali, J., Kolesnik-Taylor, A., Green, J., Johnson, M.H., & Jones, E.J.H. (2022). Early developmental trajectories in infants with Neurofibromatosis 1. Frontiers in Psychology, 4027.
De Laet, A., Piccardi, E. S., Begum Ali, J., Charman, T., Johnson, M. H., Jones, E. J., ... & STAARS Team. (2022). Neuronal gating of tactile input and sleep in 10-month-old infants at typical and elevated likelihood for autism spectrum disorder. Scientific Reports.
Begum Ali, J., Goodwin, A., Mason, L., Pasco, G., Charman, T., Johnson, M. H., ... & STAARS Team. (2022). Altered theta–beta ratio in infancy associates with family history of ADHD and later ADHD‐relevant temperamental traits. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Goodwin, A., Jones, E. J., Salomone, S., Mason, L., Holman, R., Begum Ali, J., ... & Johnson, M. H. (2021). INTERSTAARS: Attention training for infants with elevated likelihood of developing ADHD: A proof-of-concept randomised controlled trial. Translational psychiatry11(1), 1-9.
Begum Ali, J., Kolesnik-Taylor, A., Quiroz, I., Mason, L., Garg, S., Green, J., ... & Jones, E. J. (2021). Early differences in auditory processing relate to Autism Spectrum Disorder traits in infants with Neurofibromatosis Type I. Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders13(1), 1-19.
Fish, L., Nyström, P., Gliga, T., Gui, A., Begum Ali, J., Mason, L., ... & Jones, E. J. (2021). Development of the pupillary light reflex from 9-to 24-months in infants with elevated familial and genetic liability to autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry62(11).
Goodwin, A., Hendry, A., Mason, L., Bazelmans, T., Begum Ali, J., Pasco, G., ... & Johnson, M. H. (2021). Behavioural Measures of Infant Activity but Not Attention Associate with Later Preschool ADHD Traits. Brain Sciences11(5), 524.
Piccardi, E. S., Begum Ali, J., Jones, E. J., Mason, L., Charman, T., Johnson, M. H., & Gliga, T. (2021). Behavioural and neural markers of tactile sensory processing in infants at elevated likelihood of autism spectrum disorder and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders13(1), 1-18.
Pijl, M. K. J., Bontinck, C., Rommelse, N. N. J., Begum Ali, J., Cauvet, E., Niedzwiecka, A., ... & Oosterling, I. J. (2020). Parent-child interaction during the first year of life in infants at elevated likelihood of autism spectrum disorder. Infant Behavior and Development62, 101521.
Gui, A., Mason, L., Gliga, T., Hendry, A., Begum Ali, J., Pasco, G., ... & Jones, E. J. (2020). Look duration at the face as a developmental endophenotype: elucidating pathways to autism and ADHD. Development and Psychopathology32(4), 1303-1322.
Begum Ali, J., Charman, T., Johnson, M. H., Jones, E. J., & BASIS/STAARS Team. (2020). Early motor differences in infants at elevated likelihood of Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-18.
Begum Ali, J., Thomas, R. L., Mullen Raymond, S., & Bremner, A. J. (2020). Sensitivity to Visual‐Tactile Colocation on the Body Prior to Skilled Reaching in Early Infancy. Child Development.
Hendry, A., Konke, L. A., Begum Ali, J., Jones, E. J. H., Pijl, M. K. J., Brocki, K. C., ... & Johnson, M. (2020). Atypical development of attentional control associates with later adaptive functioning, autism and ADHD traits. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Jones, E. J., Mason, L., Begum Ali, J., van den Boomen, C., Braukmann, R., Cauvet, E., ... & Bolte, S. (2019). Eurosibs: Towards robust measurement of infant neurocognitive predictors of autism across Europe. Infant Behavior and Development57, 101316.
Johnston, J.S. and Begum Ali, J., and Hill, E.L. and Bremner, A.J. (2017) Tactile localization performance in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) corresponds to their motor skill and not their cognitive ability. Human Movement Science 53 , pp. 72-83. ISSN 0167-9457.
Begum Ali, J. and Spence, C. and Bremner, A.J. (2015) Human infants’ ability to perceive touch in external space develops postnatally. Current Biology 25 (20), R978-R979. ISSN 0960-9822.
Begum Ali, J., Cowie, D. & Bremner, A.J (2014): Effects of posture on tactile localization by 4 years of age are modulated by sight of the hands: Evidence for an early acquired external spatial frame of reference. Developmental Science.
Bremner, A.J., Begum Ali, J. & Cowie, D (2014): The origins of ability and automaticity in tactile spatial perception. Developmental Science.
Rigato, S., Begum Ali, J., van Velzen, J. & Bremner, A.J (2014): The neural basis of somatosensory remapping develops in human infancy. Current Biology.


'SleepySTAARS: Measuring sleep in infants enriched for Autism in the home: a feasibility study” - awarded by the EPSRC/MRC/UKRI via Respect4Neurodevelopment