Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development
Department of Psychological Sciences
Birkbeck, University of London
Email address: j.landstedt@bbk.ac.uk
Twitter/X: x.com/juliatoraa
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/julia-landstedt
Research Interests
My research interests focus on neurodiversity, neurodevelopment and the enhancement of interventions for ADHD and ASD, with a strong commitment to expanding psychological research beyond WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) populations. Currently, I am involved in two projects at Birkbeck’s ToddlerLab as a Research Assistant. The Sensory Activity in Preschoolers (SNAP) project explores sensory experiences in children with and without ASD, aiming to understand how early sensory differences may predict later social outcomes. The StayCool project investigates the development of self-regulation in the mind, brain, and body among children with a family history of ASD and/or ADHD.
MSc Social Cognition (currently studying part-time), University College London (2024-present)
BSc Psychology (First Class Honours; BPS accredited), Durham University (2018-2021)
Research experience
Great Ape Cooperation Study, Comparative and Developmental Psychology, Durham University – Research Assistant (Dr. Raphaela Heesen & Dr. Zanna Clay)
EmpOrigin, Comparative and Developmental Psychology, Durham University, University of York & Mbarara University – Field Research Assistant (Dr. Carlo Vreden & Dr. Zanna Clay)