Email: abrook07@mail.bbk.ac.uk
Research Interests
My current research investigates the role of inhibitory control in science and maths reasoning in adolescence. For my PhD I am partnered with a school in London who I work closely with. As an educational neuroscientist I use behavioural, neuroimaging, and classroom-based studies to ensure my research is scientifically-sound and educationally-relevant.
My postgraduate studies are funded by an ESRC 1+3 CASE studentship, with enhancement for advanced quantitative methods.
PhD Psychology
Birkbeck, University of London
2015 - Present
MSc Educational Neuroscience
Birkbeck & UCL Institute of Education, University of London
2014 - 2015
BSc (Hons) Psychology
University of Surrey
2007 - 2011
Research Posts
Senior Research Assistant
Southampton Education School, University of Southampton
2013 - 2014
Graduate Research Assistant and Co-ordinator
Oxford Study of Children's Communication Impairments, University of Oxford
2011 - 2013
Lab Manager
Bristol Cognitive Development Centre, University of Bristol
Research Assistant
Bristol Cognitive Development Centre, University of Bristol
2009 - 2010
Brookman-Byrne, A., & Thomas, M. S. C. (2018). Neuroscience, psychology, and education: Emerging links. Impact, 2, 5-8. [Open access link]
Commissar, L., & Brookman-Byrne, A. (2017). IMBES pre-conference: Using insight from research to improve education. Mind, Brain, and Education. [Open access link]
Mareschal, D., & Brookman-Byrne, A. (2017). Educational Neuroscience. In B. Hopkins, E. Geangu, & S. Linkenauger (Eds.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development (2nd ed.) (pp. 582-587). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [Book link]
Brookman, A. (2016). Learning from Educational Neuroscience. The Psychologist, 29(10), 766-769. [Open access link]
Brookman, A. (2016). The genetics of language disorders. PsyPAG Quarterly, 99, 33-36. [Open access link]
Muijs, D., & Brookman, A. (2016). Quantitative Methods. In C. Chapman, D. Muijs, D. Reynolds, P. Sammons, & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Educational Effectiveness and Improvement: Research, policy and practice (pp. 173-201). Oxon, UK: Routledge. [Book link]
Brookman, A. (2015). Why and how we should all be making our research open access.PsyPAG Quarterly, 94, 53-54. [Open access link]
Brookman, A., McDonald, S., McDonald, D., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2013). Fine motor deficits in reading disability and language impairment: same or different? PeerJ, 1:e217. [Open access link]
Conference Proceedings
Brookman-Byrne, A. (2018, March). A brief history of educational neuroscience. Keynote address at Third Space: Science of Learning conference; York, UK.
Brookman-Byrne, A. (2017, December). Inhibitory control in adolescent science and maths reasoning. Talk at UBEL Doctoral Training Partnership Winter Conference; London, UK.
Brookman-Byrne, A. (2017, November). Can we train executive functions? Keynote address at Educational Neuroscience conference; Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
Brookman-Byrne, A., Tolmie, A., Mareschal, D., & Dumontheil, I. (2017, August). The role of inhibitory control in learning counterintuitive science and math concepts in adolescence. Poster presented at EARLI conference; Tampere, Finland.
Brookman-Byrne, A., Tolmie, A., Mareschal, D., & Dumontheil, I. (2017, August). An fMRI study of the role of inhibitory control in adolescent science and math reasoning. Talk at Junior Researchers of EARLI conference; Tampere, Finland.
Brookman-Byrne, A. (2017, June). An fMRI study of the role of inhibitory control in adolescent science and maths reasoning. Paper discussion at CCLM Summer School, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Brookman-Byrne, A. (2017, June). Inhibitory control, visuospatial working memory, and classroom attention in adolescent physics and maths reasoning. Talk at UCL Institute of Education doctoral conference; London, UK.
Brookman, A., Tolmie, A., Mareschal, D., & Dumontheil, I. (2017, March). Science and maths reasoning and inhibitory control in adolescence: An fMRI study. Poster presented at Neuroscience in the classroom conference; London, UK.
Brookman, A., Tolmie, A., Mareschal, D., & Dumontheil, I. (2016). Science and maths reasoning and inhibitory control in adolescence: An fMRI study. Poster presented at IMBES conference; Toronto, Canada.
Brookman, A. (2016, July). The role of inhibitory control in adolescent mathematical and scientific reasoning. Invited talk at SIG22 symposium of Junior Researchers of EARLI conference; Helsinki, Finland.
Brookman, A., Tolmie, A., Mareschal, D., & Dumontheil, I. (2016, June). Science and maths reasoning in adolescence is associated with response and semantic inhibition. Poster presented at EARLI SIG22 Neuroscience and Education meeting; Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Brookman, A., Tolmie, A., Mareschal, D., & Dumontheil, I. (2016, February). The role of inhibitory control in adolescent scientific and mathematical reasoning. Poster presented at London Students' Neuroscience Conference: London, UK.
Brookman, A., Tolmie, A., Mareschal, D., & Dumontheil, I. (2015, November). The role of inhibitory control in adolescent scientific and mathematical reasoning. Poster presented at Current Issues in Educational Neuroscience: London, UK.
Brookman, A., Tolmie, A., Mareschal, D., & Dumontheil, I. (2015, September). The role of inhibitory control in adolescent scientific and mathematical reasoning. Poster presented at Flux Congress: Leiden, Netherlands.
Brookman, A., Tolmie, A., Mareschal, D., & Dumontheil, I. (2015, September). The role of inhibitory control in adolescent scientific and mathematical reasoning. Poster presented at SRCD Social Neuroscience Perspectives on Child Development: Leiden, Netherlands.
Brookman, A., Tolmie, A., Mareschal, D., & Dumontheil, I. (2015, September). The role of inhibitory control in adolescent scientific and mathematical reasoning. Poster presented at British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting: Essex, UK.
Brookman, A. (2015, June). Science and maths misconceptions in adolescence. Talk at UCL Institute of Education Doctoral Summer Conference; London, UK.
Brookman, A., Tolmie, A., Mareschal, D., & Dumontheil, I. (2015, March). The development of science and maths reasoning in relation to inhibitory control. Poster presented at the London ESRC Interdisciplinary Conference; London, UK.
Brookman, A., & Muijs, D. (2014, September). Early interventions for developing children's bully proofing abilities: UK results of a European collaboration. Poster presented at The European Conference on Education Research; Porto, Portugal.
Brookman, A., & Muijs, D. (2014, August). Early interventions for developing children's bully proofing abilities. Poster presented and roundtable discussion at EARLI SIG Educational Effectiveness; Southampton, UK.
Bishop, D. V. M., & Brookman, A. (2013, September). Motor deficits in language impairment and dyslexia: same or different? Joint talk at British Psychological Society Cognitive and Developmental Conference; Reading, UK.
Brookman, A., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2013, June). Motor deficits in language impairment and dyslexia: same or different? Poster presented at Child Language Seminar; Manchester, UK.
Invited Talks
Brookman-Byrne, A., & Commissar, L. (2017, November). How can we move the field of educational neuroscience forward? Centre for Educational Neuroscience, University of London.
Brookman-Byrne, A. (2017, October). Science, maths, and the adolescent brain. The teenage brain conference: Ruislip High School, London.
Brookman-Byrne, A. (2017, June). The role of inhibitory control in adolescent science and maths reasoning. Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield.
Brookman-Byrne, A. (2017, June). Learning counterintuitive concepts in mathematics. Year 9 maths classes: Latymer Upper School, London.
Brookman-Byrne, A. (2017, March). An educational neuroscience approach to studying science and maths reasoning in adolescence. Science society meeting: Latymer Upper School, London.
Brookman-Byrne, A. (2017, January). Counterintuitive science and maths reasoning in adolescence. Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck, University of London.
Brookman-Byrne, A. (2016, September). Science and maths reasoning in teenagers. Social science society meeting: Latymer Upper School, London.
Brookman, A. (2015, November). The role of inhibitory control in adolescent science and maths reasoning. Centre for Educational Neuroscience, University of London.
Brookman, A. (2015, November). The role of inhibitory control in adolescent science and maths reasoning. Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.
Dumontheil, I., & Brookman, A. (2015, October). Learning, reasoning and science education in the developing brain. Teacher training day: Latymer Upper School, London.