PhD Student

Professor Natasha Kirkham (Birkbeck, University of London)
Professor Denis Mareschal (Birbkeck, University of London)
Research Interests
I am primarily interested in how a child’s socioeconomic status (SES) influences their cognitive development during the early years of life. More specifically, my PhD aims to investigate the mediating role of the home environment, and how this may shape the relationship between SES and a child’s early cognitive development. I am investigating various aspects of the home environment, including home noise, chaos and parent/child mental wellbeing, to see if and how these factors interact to influence early development.
PhD Psychology | Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development | Birkbeck, University of London (2021 - 2025)
MSc Psychological Research Methods | University of Sheffield (2019 - 2020)
BSc Psychology | University of Sheffield (2016 - 2019)
Research Posts
Research Assistant | Supervised by Dr Emma Blakey | Sheffield Cognitive Development Lab (2019)
Research Assistant | Supervised by Dr Elena Hoicka | University of Sheffield Psychology Dept. (2018)
Research Assistant | Supervised by Dr Emma Blakey | Sheffield Cognitive Development Lab (2017)
Teaching Posts
Graduate Teaching Assistant | Birkbeck, University of London (2021 - present)
Conference Talks and Presentations
Serino, G., Grimshaw, H., Chere, B., Mareschal, D., Kirkham, N. Can young children block out irrelevant acoustic noise? Lightning Talk presented at the BPS Cognitive and Developmental Sections Annual Conference, Bristol, U.K., September 2023.