LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hgrandchampdesraux
Email: h.grandchampdesraux@bbk.ac.uk
Dr Ori Ossmy (Birkbeck, University of London)
Dr Elisa Raffaella Ferrè (Birkbeck, University of London)
Research Interests
My PhD research investigates how humans learn to adapt to variations in the environment. I am focusing on how adults, adolescents and children learn to shape their actions to make successful interactions with the external world. I am particularly interested in the effects of altered gravity on reasoning and learning. My research combines different perspectives and techniques from experimental psychology, developmental science, vestibular neuroscience and computational modelling, including virtual tool use, eye and motion tracking, natural and artificial vestibular stimulation, and virtual reality.
PhD Psychology
Birkbeck, University of London | Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development
MSc Psychological Research Methods - Distinction
Birkbeck, University of London
MSc Research project: ‘The Effects of Rewards on Rapid Trial-and-Error Learning in School-Aged Children’
Supervisor: Dr. Ori Ossmy (Birkbeck, University of London)
MA Special and Inclusive Education - Merit
University College London | Institute of Education
MA Research project: ‘The Use of Educational Technologies With Students With Special Needs in the UK’
Supervisor: Dr. Jo Van Herwegen (Institute of Education, University College London)
ESSEC diploma
ESSEC Business School, Cergy, France
Degree of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques with a specialization in Communication and Human Resources – Laureat Honours
Sciences Po, France
Teaching Positions
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Birkbeck, University of London
Research @ Birkbeck (BSc), Developmental Science (MSc), Research Methods 2 (BSc), Perception and Awareness (MSc).
Conference Talks
Grandchamp des Raux, H.,(2024), Factors Shaping Physical Reasoning across the Lifespan, Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development seminar, Birkbeck University of London.
Grandchamp des Raux, H.,(2023), The Effects of Rewards on Rapid Trial-and-Error Learning in School-Aged Children, Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, online.
Grandchamp des Raux, H.,(2021), The Use of Educational Technologies With Students With Special Needs in the UK, Inclusive and Supportive Education Conference, online.
Conference Posters
Grandchamp des Raux, H., Ghilardi, T., Ferrè, E.R., Ossmy, O. Physical Cognition: How Real-Time Embodied Experience Affects High-Level Reasoning. Presented as a poster at the 28th ELGRA Biennial Symposium in Liverpool, September 2024.
Grandchamp des Raux, H., Ghilardi, T., Ferrè, E.R., Ossmy, O. Physical Cognition: How Real-Time Embodied Experience Affects High-Level Reasoning. Presented as a poster at the UK Sensorimotor 24 Conference in Cambridge, June 2024.
Grandchamp des Raux, H., Ghilardi, T., Ferrè, E.R., Ossmy, O. Physical Cognition: How the gravitational model contributes to human reasoning. Presented as a poster at Birkbeck’s Science Week in London, June 2024.
Grandchamp des Raux, H., Ghilardi, T., Ferrè, E.R., Ossmy, O. Physical Cognition: How the gravitational model contributes to human reasoning. Presented as a poster at the Experimental Psychology Society Conference in London, January 2024.
Grandchamp des Raux, H., Ferrè, E.R., Ossmy, O. Identifying the Origins of Adaptive Behaviour by Using Altered Gravity Environments. Presented as a poster at the 2023 International Convention of Psychological Science in Brussels, March 2023.
Grandchamp des Raux, H., Ossmy, O. The Effects of Rewards on Rapid Trial-and-Error Learning in School-Aged Children. Presented as a poster at the Developmental Psychology Section Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society in Sheffield, September 2022.
Grandchamp des Raux, H., Ghilardi, T., Soderberg, C. & Ossmy, O. (2024). The Role of Action Concepts in Physical Reasoning: Insights from Late Childhood. Philosophical Transactions B.10.1098/rstb.2023.0154
Grandchamp des Raux, H., Ghilardi, T. & Ossmy, O. (2024). The Effects of Rewards on Trial-and-Error Learning in School-Aged Children. Preprint at: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/uz8hm